API Documentation

Detailed examples for easy integration, examples include jQuery, Python, and PHP

We provide a JSON REST API with both live and historical currency exchange rates for over 40 currencies. Data is sourced from an aggregated feed of institutional providers, (not a broker feed), giving you reliable and up-to-date traded rates that are used by banks globally. We have systems in place to remove irregular prices, giving you the cleanest prices available. Our forex API powers applications and financial software in major financial institutions all around the world.


Authentication with API Key

API key can be accessed by signing up to the service. The API's data endpoints can be accessed using the api_key. To access the data, add your api_key to the URL endpoint: following is an example of an API call to access live data:

Request Example:
   ? api_key = api_key

JSON Response

Our forex API will respond with a JSON object. For more details see below.

Response Example:
    "timestamp": 1541012848,
    "price": {
      "EURUSD": 1.1323,
      "GBPUSD": 1.2776,
      "USDJPY": 112.9855

The forex API will return timestamp and price object containing requested currency pairs' exchange rates and timestamp

Response Parameters:
Field Type Description
timestamp integer UNIX time of the price in seconds
price JSON object Contains all currency pair codes (string) and their respective exchange rates (float).

Available Currencies

A list of all the available currencies can be accessed through requesting the API or clicking the link stated here. To request data, add the currencies codes together to form a currency pair. For example, EURNOK can be requested by adding EUR and NOK together. In order to get the inverse of the same pair, simply reverse the quote to NOKEUR. To access JSON object containing all available currency codes verus USD, Simply append your api_key to the fxmarketapi apicurrencies endpoint:

Request Example:
  https://fxmarketapi.com/apicurrenciesSign Up


Response Example:
    "currencies": {
      "USDAED": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
      "USDARS": "Argentine Peso",
      "AUDUSD": "Australian Dollar",
      "USDBRL": "Brazilian Real",
      "BTCUSD": "Bitcoin",
      "USDCAD": "Canadian Dollar",
      "USDCHF": "Swiss Franc",
      "USDCLP": "Chilean Peso",
      "USDCNY": "Chinese Yuan",
      "USDCOP": "Colombian Peso",
      "USDCZK": "Czech Republic Koruna",
      "USDDKK": "Danish Krone",
      "EURUSD": "Euro",
      "GBPUSD": "British Pound Sterling",

Response Parameters:
Field Type Description
currencies JSON Object Returns all currency pair codes and thier names in a (string) format that are available through the API


Our exchange rate API has six endpoints serving different format of currency rates. Below is a summary of these endpoints.

Available Endpoints:
API Endpoints

Error Codes

Our exchange rates API endpoints supports a number of error codes. Below is a summary of these error codes.

Error Codes:
Error Codes Description
202 Requested currency code invalid or not in plan for Live and Convert Endpoints
203 Requested currency code invalid or not in plan for the Historical, Change, Timeseries and Pandas Endpoints
301 Invalid date type
302 Requested date is a weekend applicable to Historical, Change, Timeseries and Pandas Endpoints
401 Api_Key is invalid
501 Requestout of Range
502 Interval Parameters invalid

API Endpoints

Live Rates

our exchange rate API live endpoint provides a live currency exchange rates feed to the users.

Request Example:

https://fxmarketapi.com/apiliveSign Up

Request Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
currency string [Optional] A comma-separated list of currencies; default is EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY

Response Example:
  "timestamp": 1541521247,
  "price": {
    "AUDUSD": 0.7225,
    "EURUSD": 1.1412,
    "GBPUSD": 1.3079,
    "USDJPY": 113.3845

Response Properties:
Field Type Description
timestamp integer Returns the exact date and time (UNIX) the exchange rates were collected.
price JSON object Contains all currency pair codes (string) and their respective exchange rates (float).

Historical Rates

Our exchange rate API provides historical currency rates for the past 10 years

Request Example:

https://fxmarketapi.com/apihistoricalSign Up

Request Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
date string Provide a date for which historical currency rates are requested. yyyy-mm-dd. For hourly and minute interval use yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM
interval string Use daily, hourly and minute
currency string [Optional] A comma-separated list of currencies; default is EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY

Response Example:
  "date": "2018-05-02",
  "price": {
    "EURUSD": 1.19509,
    "GBPUSD": 1.35748,
    "USDJPY": 109.8405

Response Properties:
Field Type Description
date string Returns the date for which historical currency rates were requested
price JSON object Contains all currency pair codes (string) and their respective FX rates (float).

Currency Conversion

The FXMarketAPI API's convert endpoint's provides a live currency conversion rates from one to other.

Request Example:

https://fxmarketapi.com/apiconvertSign Up
& from=EUR
& to=SEK
& amount=1000

Request Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
from string Three digit currency code (example EUR) of the base currency
to string Three digit currency code (example SEK) of the quoted currency
amount string Notional amount of the base currency to be converted

Response Example:
  "price": 10.2477,
  "timestamp": 1544112937,
  "total": 10247.7,

Response Properties:
Field Type Description
timestamp integer Returns the UTC date and time (UNIX) the exchange rates were collected.
price float Exchange Rate Price.
total float Total Converted Amount.
from string Base Currency.
to string Quoted Currency.


Time series api endpoint provides historical rates (OHLC) for the currencies requested. It is recommended that you do not request more than one year of data at a time, or more than three currencies at a time. To request just close price just use &format = close (optional parameter). The maximum data allowed for hourly and minute interval is 2 months and one day respectively.

Request Example:
  https://fxmarketapi.com/apitimeseriesSign Up
  & currency=EURUSD,GBPUSD
  & start_date=2018-07-02
  & end_date=2018-09-03
  & format=ohlc


Request Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
start_date string Provide the start date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format. For hourly and minute interval use yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM
end_date string [Optional] Provide the end date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default is current date. For hourly and minute interval use yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM
interval string Use daily, hourly and minute
currency string [Optional] A comma-separated list of currencies; default is EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY .
format string [Optional] Add "close" in the request to get single quote per period; default is OHLC.

Response Example:
  "start_date": "2018-07-02",
  "end_date": "2018-09-03",
  "price": {
      "2018-07-02": {
        "EURUSD": {
          "close": 1.1639,
          "high": 1.1692,
          "low": 1.1591,
          "open": 1.168
        "GBPUSD": {
          "close": 1.3143,
          "high": 1.3212,
          "low": 1.3095,
          "open": 1.3194
      "2018-07-03": {
        "EURUSD": {
          "close": 1.1658,
          "high": 1.1673,
          "low": 1.162,
          "open": 1.1639
        "GBPUSD": {
          "close": 1.3192,
          "high": 1.3208,
          "low": 1.3115,
          "open": 1.315

Response Parameters:
Field Type Description
start_date string Returns the start date of the timeseries for which exchange rates were requested
end_date string Returns the end date of the timeseries for which exchange rates were requested
price JSON object The price contains all OHLC exchange rates (float) for the currencies requested that are date stamped (string) in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Exchange Rates Change

The change endpoint enables the user to request the calculated difference and percentage change for a given currency pair between two dates. The user will also be returned a start rate and an end rate for the date specified.

Request Example:

https://fxmarketapi.com/apichangeSign Up
& currency=EURUSD,GBPUSD
& start_date=2018-07-02
& end_date=2018-09-03

Request Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
start_date string Provide the start date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format.
end_date string [Optional] Provide the end date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default is current date.
currency string [Optional] A comma-separated list of currencies; default is EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY .

Response Example:

  "start_date": "2018-07-02",
  "end_date": "2018-09-03",
  "price": {
    "EURUSD": {
      "change": 0.0038,
      "end_rate": 1.1601,
      "pct_change": -0.3299,
      "start_rate": 1.16394
    "GBPUSD": {
      "change": 0.0183,
      "end_rate": 1.296,
      "pct_change": -1.3909,
      "start_rate": 1.31428

Response Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
start_date string Provide the start date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format.
end_date string [Optional] Provide the end date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default is current date.
price JSON Object The price object will contain sub-objects [currency]
currency [start_rate] float Exchange rates at the open of the start_date.
currency [end_rate] float Exchange rates at the close of the end_date.
currency [change] float The difference between the currency's start_rate and end_rate.
currency [pct_change] float The percentage change between the currency's start_rate and end_rate.


Pandas api endpoint returns historical forex rates in a format that is easy to use in Jupyter Notebook/Python. If one currency is requested a dataframe is returned with OHLC data which is datetime indexed. If multiple currencies are requested dataframe is returned with close data for multiple currencies which are datetime indexed

This endpoint is very useful for python developers that want to use forex data

Request Example:

https://fxmarketapi.com/apipandasSign Up
& currency=EURUSD,GBPUSD
& start_date=2018-07-02
& end_date=2018-09-03

  import pandas as pd

  df = pd.read_json("https://fxmarketapi.com/apipandas?api_key=api_key&currency=EURUSD,GBPUSD&start_date=2018-07-02&end_date=2018-09-03")


Request Parameters:
Field Type Description
api_key string API Key.
start_date string Provide the start date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format. For hourly and minute interval use yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM
end_date string [Optional] Provide the end date of your timeseries in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default is current date. For hourly and minute interval use yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM
interval string Use daily, hourly and minute
currency string [Optional] A comma-separated list of currencies; default is EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY .

Response Example:
2018-11-30 1.13190 1.27506
2018-12-03 1.13548 1.27239
2018-12-04 1.13432 1.27183



Below is an example for live exchange rates data using PHP (CURL):


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array( $curl, array(
  CURLOPT_PORT => "443",
  CURLOPT_URL => "https://fxmarketapi.com/apilive?currency=USDJPY,AUDUSD,GBPUSD,EURUSD&api_key=api_key",

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;


Below is an example for live exchange rates endpoint using Python:

import requests

url = "https://fxmarketapi.com/apilive"

querystring = {"currency":"USDJPY","api_key":"api_key"}

response = requests.get(url, params=querystring)


JavaScript (jQuery.ajax)

Below is an example for live currency rates endpoint using jQuery:

var settings = {
  "async": true,
  "crossDomain": true,
  "url": "https://fxmarketapi.com/apilive?currency=USDJPY,AUDUSD,GBPUSD,EURUSD&api_key=api_key",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {}

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {